604-356-1166 fbivancouver@gmail.com

There are several rebate providers in British Columbia for different appliances. In this section we are going to introduce you the rebate providers and their different rebate programs:


FORTIS BC Residential Rebates:

Furnace Rebate up to $1000     https://www.fortisbc.com/rebates/home/natural-gas-furnace-rebates

Water Heater up to $1000         https://www.fortisbc.com/rebates/home/natural-gas-water-heater-rebate

Connect to natural gas: Space and water heating up to $3700  https://www.fortisbc.com/rebates/home/connect-to-natural-gas-space-water-heating-rebates

Boiler and combination system rebate $1500      https://www.fortisbc.com/rebates/home/natural-gas-boiler-and-combination-heating-and-hot-water-system-rebates

Furnace and boiler for low income families up to $3000    https://www.fortisbc.com/rebates/home/furnace-boiler-rebates-income-qualified

Fireplace rebate up to $300      https://www.fortisbc.com/rebates/home/natural-gas-fireplace-rebate

Wall mounted furnace rebate $2600    https://www.fortisbc.com/rebates/home/natural-gas-wall-furnace-rebate-for-existing-homes

FORTIS BC commercial Rebates:

You can find a lot of different rebates for different type of businesses in this link    https://www.fortisbc.com/rebates-and-energy-savings/saving-energy-in-your-business

CLEAN BC Better Home Rebates: You can find a group of rebates on different appliances and particularly on Heat pumps depending on the areas you live using their rebate tool as follows     https://www.betterhomesbc.ca/rebate-search-tool/

CANADA Greener homes grants: You can find Heat pump rebates on this source as follows:      https://www.nrcan.gc.ca/energy-efficiency/homes/canada-greener-homes-grant/how-the-grant-process-works/step-3-retrofit-your-home/23480

There are also municipal rebates that may be available. Please check each city’s websites to get more information about rebates in your city.